WWW resources


# Link Description
1 Official website and documentation
2 The Python and Django blog by Matt Layman
3 Django tips by William Vincent
4 Django tips by Adam Johnson
5 Simple is better than complex by Vitor Freitas
6 Top 10 mistakes in Django
7 Django advices by Vladislav Supalov
8 Testing and optimization with Python and Django
9 Django tutorials on Real Python
10 How to build SaaS application with Django
11 Class-Based Views for Django
12 Multiple Django applications with Nginx and Gunicorn
13 Django cheat sheet
14 Django books by Agiliq
15 High Performance Django by Lincoln Loop team
16 Django Security by OWASP


# Link Description
1 Asynchronous tasks on Real Python
2 Asynchronous tasks on TestDriven.io
3 Schedule "boring" tasks with Django and Celery
4 Django, Redis and Celery in action
5 The Python Celery Cookbook


# Link Description
1 Django Rest Framework official website
2 Django Ninja fast DRF
3 Django Ninja Extra
4 Django REST with React and a sprinkle of testing
5 FastAPI official website
6 Postman - API platform for building and using APIs
7 Roy Fielding's dissertation about Network-based Software Architectures (including REST)
8 List of free APIs for use in development

Tutorials and guides

# Link Description
1 Overview of HTTP on MDN
2 How Web works
3 A Complete Guide to CSS Grid
4 A Complete Guide to Flexbox
5 A collection of lists, manuals cheatsheets and tools
6 When to Use MongoDB with Django

Tips and tricks

# Link Description
1 21 remote tools for software developers
2 HTML over WebSockets
3 htmx - access browser features directly from HTML
4 A Complete Guide to Flexbox
5 A collection of lists, manuals cheatsheets and tools


# Link Description
1 Moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript
2 The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
3 Course of JavaScript in Polish language
4 Web Dev Simplified
5 A book series on JavaScript
6 Vue.js examples