Python resources

Official sites

# Link Description
1 Python Programming Language official website
2 PyPI repository of software


# Link Description
1 Python Central tips, tricks, recipes
2 Python Weekly news, articles, releases, jobs


# Link Description
1 Scrapy web crawling framework
2 Beautiful Soup screen-scraping

Tutorials and workshops

# Link Description
1 Real Python Programming By Example
2 Python tutorial on Tutorials Point
3 30 days of Python
4 Learn Python from beginner to professional
5 Python For Beginners good place to start
6 Python Course also for advanced programmers
7 The Flask Mega-Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg
8 CodingBat code practice
9 Python Class by Google Code University
10 Python Challenge programming riddle
11 The Best Way to Learn Python by Mark Dunneay
12 Code Academy fundamentals of Python
13 Learn Python The Hard Way course by Zed A. Shaw
14 Python 101 by Michael Driscoll


# Link Description
1 Full Stack Python by Matt Makai
2 Planet Python comprehensive resources
3 Talk Python podcast
4 Blog of M.L. Hetland Prof. at NTNU
5 The Python Guru practical guides and solutions
6 Python Software Foundation's blog
7 Al Sweigart Python books author
8 Sebastian Raschka deep into Python

Books online

# Link Description
1 IPython wiki inspiring gallery of notebooks
2 Python For Engineers books and courses
3 Python Books free resources
4 Automate the Boring Stuff by Al Sweigart
5 Scientific Python books by Allen Downey
6 Programming books on HumbleBundle
7 A Byte of Python by Swaroop


# Link Description
1 SQLAlchemy SQL toolkit and ORM
2 HDF5 for Python binary data format
3 Parallel Python parallel code execution
4 Stackless Python enhanced version of Python
5 Kombu messaging library for Python
6 XONSH Python-ish shell
7 psutil information on system utilization

Tips and tricks

# Link Description
1 Python Module of the Week short examples of code
2 Software design in Python by Arjan Egges
3 Python Concurrency by Jason Brownlee
4 Python Decorators in 12 steps by Simeon Franklin
5 Top 10 Mistakes that Python Programmers Make
6 OOP in Python
7 Splitting requirements for pip manager
8 Using Pytest fixtures


# Link Description
1 SymPy symbolic mathematics
2 Matplotlib plotting library
3 NumPy package for scientific computing
4 pandas data analysis
5 SciPy scientific tools
6 SimPy simulations in Python
7 SciKit Machine Learning in Python
8 Pattern web mining module
9 Orange data mining and analysis
10 NetworkX software for complex networks
11 Pyevolve genetic algorithm framework
12 Natural Language Toolkit human language data
13 PyMC models and algorithms
14 Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods